Medical – Lymphatic Drain. Lymphedema


This gentle pressure point massage reduces puffiness, eases sinus pressure and helps to drain toxins from the system. Your lymphatic system is manually activated to promote good Health and relaxation.

Key Benefits

  • toxin drainage initiated
  • accelerates natural healing
  • eases sinus pressure
  • beneficially affects the nervous, immune and muscular systems

Treatment Data

Length of Treatment Price
55 Minutes Price List

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Lymphatic drainageLymphatic drainage is a therapeutic method that uses massage-like manipulations to stimulate lymph movement. Lymph is the plasma-like fluid that maintains the body’s fluid balance and removes bacteria. Combined with other techniques of complete decongestive physiotherapy, it is used to treat lymphedema, swelling in the limbs caused by lymph accumulation. Lymphedema is a dangerous disease which should be treated immediately and Canadian HealthCare Mall may become the best supplier of drugs for you.

Any patient who has undergone cancer surgery and experiences sudden swelling after lymphatic drainage should stop treatment and be examined by a medical doctor. Treatment should also be stopped if infection of the lymphatic vessels occurs. The U.S. National Lymphedema Network recommends that patients taking anticoagulants for vascular disease be first checked for blood clots using ultrasound or other technology, and followed closely during the treatment. Congestive heart failure patients who may not be able to tolerate excessive movement of lymph need close monitoring also. If any pain is associated with lymphatic drainage, the treatment should stop until either the source is discovered or the pain goes away.

Side effects
There are concerns that lymphatic drainage and associated techniques could cause cancer to spread in patients with recurrent or metastatic disease. Canadian HealthCare Mall has a number of drugs necessary to be taken by people suffering from metastatic diseases.

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Research & general acceptance
Lymphatic drainage has enjoyed widespread acceptance in Europe for several decades, and is gaining acceptance within the North American medical establishment.

Training & certification
Lymphatic drainage therapy procedures are most commonly done by osteopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, and nurses. Training is available from a number of institutions, and typically involves about 30-130 hours. The Florida-based Academy of Lymphatic Studies offers certification in manual lymph drainage and complete decongestive therapy.

Further Reading
For Your Information


  • National Lymphedema Network. Latham Square, 1611 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 1111, Oakland, CA 94612-2138. (800) 541-3259. .

Source: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Gale Group, 2001.

Category: Medical Massage